Part-time Courses
The maritime business and logistics courses at the Institute of Maritime & Business Management (IMBM) are designed to give students insights into the best practices of the industry (core subjects) with a business focus. The maritime business in singapore contributes about 7% to 8% to the country’s GDP and is a significant industry which is on a growth trajectory. The IMBM courses are expected to improve skills level of industry people as changes are occurring often which require knowledge upgrade.
Course Delivery
For each subject comprising of 8 lessons, there will be a combination of lectures and tutorials to be conducted via blended learning mode. Please refer to the respective course for details.
Requirements for graduation in respect of every course/level
For the Certificate course, the method of assessment is based on written examinations, Multiple Choice Questions, Short Answer Questions, Attendance and Participation components – this assessment method is also applicable for 3 modules of 8 for Diploma course and for 3 modules of 14 for Advanced Diploma course. Students must attain at least 50% attendance rate per module, that is, will have to attend at least 2 face to face and 2 online lessons per module before he/she can be allowed to sit for the in person scheduled examinations.
The method of assessment for the Diploma course is a mixture of written examinations comprising of both Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) & Short Answer Questions for 3 subjects of 8 with the remaining 5 modules to be assessed via both Non-classroom Examination (NCE)(with research & analysis required from the candidates) and Multiple Choice examination for each module Students are also assessed based on class attendance and participation (tutorials and class discussions) per modules.
Student taking the course must obtain a minimum of 41 marks for a marginal pass (Grade D) for all subjects in the course which they have enrolled in order for them to be awarded the certificate/diploma. In the event that the student fails a subject, he is required to take a supplementary for the subject. In this instance, a Supplementary Pass (SP) grade which is non-graded will be awarded.
For students progressing from Certificate to Diploma course, they must obtain at least a Credit – grade ‘B’ (61-70 marks) and 2 credit pass – grade ‘C’ (51-60 marks). The minimum marks of 163 out of a possible 300 (54%) is required.
For Diploma students aspiring to take up the Advanced Diploma in Maritime & Logistics Management course, they have to obtain the following grades/marks:
- 2 ‘B+’ – 71 – 80 marks min: 142 max: 160 marks
- 2 ‘B’ – 61 – 70 marks min: 122 max: 140 marks
- 4 ‘C’ – 51 – 60 marks min: 204 max: 240 marks
The minimum marks of 468 out of a possible 800 (58%) is required.