Vision and Mission
Vision and Mission Statement of IMBM

Mission Statement
- To provide Quality Maritime Business education
- To create an opportunity for each student to approach education on a ‘problem-solving and skills based’ model
- Provide life-long and continuous learning through structured courses
- Give working adults a chance to acquire higher education.
- To create a learning environment to realize a student’s full potential

IMBM’S Vision
“To develop and evolve maritime business education into a quality and recognized learning experience through excellent teaching methods, content and environment”.
Key objectives of the institute
The Mission statement broadly proclaims the aims and intent of the Institute. Working adults constitute a large portion of the population and rapid changes in industry practices and induction of technology makes it imperative for companies and individuals to upgrade knowledge at every opportunity.
The IMBM courses which are designed with this aspect also aim to focus on varied academic content and glimpses of seaborne trade technology and emerging trends in the years ahead. A survey by the Business Times recently showed that the maritime business industry is robust and with impressive economic growth in the Asia-pacific region, the maritime and logistics industries will require more skilled manpower in future. The survey also indicates that there might even be a shortage of personnel in this industry very soon.
IMBM courses, it is hoped, would assist our students to upgrade skills levels through its certificate, diploma and advanced diploma courses for the working adults and others intending to enter this industry.